Monday, January 14, 2013

Brasil 2013 CTM

  In January 2013 our English teaching team consisting of Ken Tuck, Gail and myself flew to Curitiba to join with Dyanne Marins and Giliarde Schmitz, two of our former English students.
   On the way there our plane left Dallas late and therefore arrived in San Paulo late so we missed our connecting flight to Curitiba. Oh, no now what were we going to do? God must have made a mistake. Here we sit waiting on a 5 hour delay and do not know how to contact people at the CTM base (they only pretty much speak Portuguese anyway). We did find a way to contact CTM about our delay but weren't sure if the people who needed to know would be notified. While waiting there we spoke to a Seventh Day Adventist pastor going on a mission trip to Norway and we ended up praying for him after sharing the plan of salvation with him just in case. I met a young lady in the cafe line who helped me order some food, so I invited her to sit with us. We ended up sharing the Lord with her and praying with her. She was very appreciative of our care for her. She didn't say the sinners prayer or anything but she was visibly affected. Maybe God knew that those two needed what we had to share. He is in control, you know.
    We only had 2 students  on the base when we landed but ended up  with 28, which is a good number. God was truly in charge from before we left to after our return. We had a Beginner class taught by Gail and Giliarde, an Intermediate class taught by myself and an Advanced class led by Ken and Dyanne.
     Ken brought us and inspired message from God on Sunday at the base and at 3rd Quadrangular Church in Curitiba. God moved on the students and at the church, as seen in these pictures. The beginner students who came forward for prayer could not even tell me what they wanted to be prayed for but they just sobbed and sobbed before God. I would pray for them in English and in the Spirit. God knew their hearts.

Here are  pictures of  my class (as  promised). 
Emille Martins
Damaris Dominski
Rayanne Martins
Alana Gabriela da Silva
Marcos Vander Cavatheine
Pauls Farcisio Angelo
Edenise de LimaMarcondes Alves
Jenniffer Marcondes Das Almas
Jessica Amanda dos Anjos Silva
Dalton Franciso do Nascimento Valeute
Leticia Stier Teodoro da Silva
A good time was had by all. We had game nights, intercessions, movie nights, a bonfire, dips in the pool, a trip to the zoo and to 3rd Quadrangular church and also to an English speaking church group.

Members of my class spontaneously singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".

It's always hard to snap an undetected picture of Dyanne.

Gail in the pool with some girls.
Jim playing water polo with some students.

During intercession one night, several girls at my table wanted us to pray that they could forgive their fathers. One also needed to forgive the absent father of her child. We prayed together for this and Gail prayed more for her later. The next morning it was that young women's turn to give our class devotional. She began by saying that when she first came to the school she did not have a relationship with God but because of these wonderful people ministering to her, she now does. That is why we go there, to minister Christ to them.

Several staff members went to Curitiba to see Keila's baby to be christened . He is also the grand son of Pastor Julio and his wife, Claudia.

This family is so special to us. I taught Keila at CTM in 2007 and her dad is the pastor in charge of the discipleship center (CTMQ). They also came to the base and let us see and hold Henri. 

Jessica was having problems actually moving at this time. God heal her.

 Rubia and sister  Jessica.
 Good friends now.

Our dear friend (O Rubia), come on family!

School picture.
After CTM graduation Pastor Julio and family took the staff to the Restaurante Madalozo in Matinhos. The owner showed us how to fix a special dish that if mixed correctly would not fall on one's head if held upside down.

Restaurante Madalozo in Matinhos.
I have a question for all Brasilians. Why do you on so many of your foods put corn, peas, string potatoes and kilos of mayonnaise? Americano hot dogs, hamburgers, pizzas and everything else do NOT contain those items.
This is a  link to all the pictures for this trip.{%22pl%22%3A{%22uc%22%3A2%2C%22aid%22%3A%229358829004%22%2C%22vp%22%3A%22g%22%2C%22sb%22%3A5}%2C%22ovm%22%3A{%22v%22%3A%22s%22}} .     


Anonymous said...

Jim, My name is wrong!!.


Anonymous said...

Really missed being in Brasil this year!!! Rubia, I "missed" sweeping out all the water from the house like last year. Thanks for sharing all the photos, Jim and Gail. Love you guys! Beth