Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hannah Marie has arrived

Karen and Mark's baby daughter, Hannah Marie Shelton, was born on Dec. 27, 2007 at St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond Va.
The proud new dad and mom shortly after birth are extremely happy. Newborn pictures of those first few hours and days show a beautiful sweet little thing. What a great new dad (all smiles).
Grandmom enjoys her time holding her and Granddad does too. So does Auntie Beth . Aunt Ngoy gets into the act. Grandmom Nancy was so kind and helpful to he daughter, Karen, that she spent all the time she could with her and the baby. Hannah, her mom Karen and Karen's mom Nancy are shown here. Mark's long time friend and ex-roommate, Chris visits but will let his wife Caroline hold the new born.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ana and Joseph's wedding

Beth's best friend, Ana Marasol Rodriguez (escorted down the aisle by her father Jose) and Joseph Cole were married in Monterrey, Mexico on October 11, 2007.
Beth was Ana's maid of honor and we were there to experience the whole wonderful wedding. It was a Completed Jewish/Christian/Mexican wedding with Joseph's Compledted Jewish Rabii and Ana's Christian Mexican pastor officiating. Blanquita was a bridesmaid and Junior was the ring bearer. The ceremony was held at a local hotel where the pool area was decorated for the wedding and it was quite beautiful. The reception was at a local restaurant with a dance area and we were treated to traditional Mexican dancers as well. The groom's parents with the couple and our family with the couple. Ana's grandmother was the sweetest Christian lady and without a common spoken language, we communicated just fine. The wedding ladies were enjoying themselves and Nikki clearly captured the thrown floral bouquet and ran away from all competion.

Then the Mexican dancers came with all that color and action. We all enjoyed it! Even Mama Gail got into the act. There were some Mexican traditions that were new to us and the groom as well, like being hoisted up in chairs and paraded all around the room. His shoes were taken and passed around to collect money for their honneymoon. Ana's sweet thoughtful sister Blanca and her high quality husband Herraldo were certainly enjoying the festivities. Mama Blanca was carefully watching the cake cutting ceremony and it was delicious. One last picture of the entire wedding party and its time to call it a day at 1:30 AM. Oh, well no one ever said that Mexican weddings were short.
One night after the wedding, we visited the hill in the midst of the city with a
great view. Beth was enjoying the breeze but not the crutches. I took a picture of a local Mexican business the next day. Junior and Blanquita doing their homework. Apparently the ladies enjoy wearing hats. Someone had a birthday so we went to a restaurant to celebrate with a Little Mermaid cake. Momma and daughter and Daddy too.

The view of Monterrey from the surrounding mountains is great. The kids enjoyed the metal slide.

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